Terms of Service

Eclipse Network - Terms of Service
“Us” is herein “Eclipse Network”
“Our” is herein “Eclipse Network”
“You” is herein the “Buyer”/”Purchaser”

“EN” is herein the network name, “Eclipse Network”

By donating to Eclipse Network, you agree that all purchases to the server for packages and jobs are non-refundable, you agree to disallow any refunds regardless of situation. If you do not agree to these terms, do not purchase. You agree that your purchase will be made immediately or, as soon as possible for some packages that require manual involvement and that you waive your statutory right of withdrawal.

All packages, products and jobs at Eclipse Network are received as intangible merchandise. The said merchandise are delivered electronically and will be delivered immediately, or, as soon as possible for some packages that require manual involvement. No shipping, postal or packing fees/information is required when donating to Eclipse Network. If you do not receive your merchandise electronically, please create a ticket in the store, or, message a member of the 'Board of Directors' immediately. Eclipse Network reserves the right to modify any or all packages without any notice or any given reason.

If you have agreed to the above terms and service, and have purchased a package or job from Eclipse Network, following the case of opening a dispute towards our agreement will be sent to PayPal or Stripe and our involvement will be ensured preventing unauthorized “cash back” transaction crimes against Eclipse Network. We will send all required evidence, including these Terms and Service to PayPal or other payment methods to fight illegitimate chargebacks and fraud.

All information given to us whilst using our store and website is securely protected under the Data Protection Act of 1998. Our Payment Gateways (PayPal & Stripe) whom of which handles your transaction will handle all financial data securely under the Data Protection Act of 1998. We store no other information other than the information you provide.

Feel free to contact contact a member of the 'Board of Directors' on our Discord if you have any questions.